Saturday, April 26, 2014


As some of us have traveled to spend the weekend in Seattle, Washington, I thought we might discuss the reasons people travel. There are many reasons people travel, ranging from moving to vacation.  Recently travel has become much more for pleasure as opposed to need. A lot of one's childhood is spent in the back of a car, driving to a relative's home to visit. While it might seem like an eternity to the passengers in that car, it is what we learn about the people that measures the time. Do you think traveling together with your family helps you get to know the better? Why do you think humans travel in their time off? What created this idea? How has American culture benefited, or hindered this? When did the shift from traveling only when necessary to traveling for enjoyment occur?


  1. Traveling has a major impact on one's life. Traveling allows one to discover other places and cultures. Traveling has only really become popular since the invention of the motor car. Road tripping has become a major part of our culture due to the size of our country. I believe that many hours in a car do help people bond. It helps other learn more about each other's lives. I believe that people spend time traveling because it is affordable to many people. Staying in one place can get boring; this is why traveling is so popular. Cheap transportation really started the traveling that many Americans enjoy.

    1. I agree that if transportation hasn't became as cheap and easy as it is now, not as many people would travel. I feel since it is so cheap people almost feel obligated to travel. And that is why more and more peoples families are becoming separated and living all across the world. They feel they can live anywhere cause it is just a small fee and a few hours to travel across the world to see their family.

    2. Colton I like the point you bring up about how traveling never came about until the invention of the car. There really was no other means of transportation besides a horse and even then one was limited to how far they could travel. Now we can get to every place in the entire world. W can step on an airplane and in 18 hours be all the way across the world. It is so amazing how far travel has come and how travel brings about new opportunities. It is exciting!

    3. I never thought about how the size of our country influenced the way we travel. It is difficult to get from one side to another. I am guessing that road trips would not be so popular if we lived in a small country where everything was close together. I also never thought about how the price of transportation played a roll in how we travel. But, I also think that no matter how big the country is our how much it costs, people are going to find a way to travel together because it is apart of the human nature.

  2. Traveling has become major in today's society. In the past it was a special occasion to travel whereas in today's time it is a privilege. Nowadays we travel for fun or to see family because it is so much easier to travel versus in the past to travel was because we had to, not really because we wanted to. I feel traveling now is a great way for us to bond with family members. Nothing brings you closer to those around you than sitting in a confined space for long periods of time. This allows for one another to get to know each other better. Not only do we travel for vacation but more family's move now because in today's time staying in one place for to long becomes boring and causes many to move or go on vacation cause it gives them a look into different cultures.

    1. I agree with you that traveling brings you closer with your companions, be it family or friends. You get to know them better than you already did, as you get to see how they act when in a confined space, or in different surroundings than they normally are.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Humans travel because we all want to know what goes in in different parts of the country or the world. It sometimes comes out of curiosity, or we go because there is something that we would like to see or do that we can't do where we live. I traveled to Switzerland, Italy, and France last year with the Travel Club. I had always wanted to go to Italy, and the other two countries were just a great bonus. I learned so much about the architecture, culture, and the history of the different cities that we went to, and I know that I got to know my companions better as well. I traveled because I wanted to go, and I was curious about the culture and history. I wanted to see it for myself, rather than just in a book or on the internet. This is another reason that we travel. We want to experience things for ourselves rather than just see them somewhere and dream of going. Necessity to enjoyment in traveling shifted when transportation was made available to everyone for a relatively cheap price.

  4. I believe that traveling together brings a family closer. Some of my fondest childhood memories come from long trips across the country. To me traveling means that I get to spend time with my family and see new things. It also means that I get to see family or friends that I haven't been with in a while. Aside from the family aspect of it, traveling is like an adventure. When there is a destination no one has seen before it brings about an excitement. I will be making a journey to a foreign land here shortly and the idea of New Zealand excites me. The entire experience will be new and that is why I think we love to travel. It brings about new things and different perspectives of what other places are like.

    1. I agree with you that traveling is like an adventure. One never really quite knows what to expect because you're going to different place. Many of us keep on traveling because we like the excitement. Many of us just like to try something new. Different experiences allow one to become more rounded and understand why people in different locations act the way that they do. The things that one can learn when traveling are endless.

  5. I think that as transportation was still developing, people only traveled for necessity. As modern technology improved, traveling for enjoyment increased also. The idea of travel and visiting a completely new and foreign land enchants us as human beings. We are always wanting to learn about what we do not know. The more we travel with those around us, we also learn more about the people that surround us. We figure out why we love our family members but also what drives us crazy about them. There is nothing like getting to now a stranger than by traveling with them.
