Saturday, April 12, 2014

Plays vs Musicals vs Movies

After watching Footloose, I could not help but wonder if a musical or a play does a better job at conveying its message. Which does a more effective job in your experiences? Sometimes I find a musical much easier to remember due to the music. Also do many movies of famous plays and musicals do it justice? Does it cause us to compare a movie to a play and vice versa? I know sometimes I just cannot help but compare them? Should one compare a play or musical to a movie? Does the message of a musical or play get through to the audience better in a movie or live? Do you prefer a live performance of a play or musical or do you prefer a movie version?


  1. I feel that a musical/play, a live performance, has its benefits as well does a movie. Benefits of a movie include that it can be a lot longer than plays and can be shot at many different times rather than going all the way through it at one time and hoping it is perfect. Movies can have shot after shot of filming till the scene is perfect. Benefits of plays they get the point of the play across in shorter format of movies and in most cases make it easier to understand. With comparing plays to movies of course we will, everyone will, cause it is no different than a book and a movie. I feel that we do this to see how close to one another they are and to pick out what we like and don't like between them. They won't be exact because the play has to be shortened and still make it understandable to audience but they usually follow the same outline and plot

    1. Jeff I like the point you bring up about a movie being longer. This allows for more scenes and different impressions. I'm not sure if I can say which one does a better job of conveying its message because I haven't seen enough musicals. I believe there is more talent displayed in a live performance, but movies help leave lasting impressions better.

    2. I think that part of what makes live performances such as musicals and plays so enjoyable is that we, as the audience, get to see the more human element of the story. The human element helps the audience connect on a deeper element whereas in a movie, everything is polished to the point of perfection which is unrealistic. The movies and live performances each have something to offer and it just depends on what type of performance you enjoy more.

  2. Musicals and plays convey messages in two different ways. I think that, in a children's audience, the message can be conveyed much easier in a musical production. Children enjoy music and liveliness that is offered by musicals, whereas a play has energy and liveliness, but it lacks the entertainment of music. I think that live performances are always much more heart wrenching/warming to see than movies because everything is happening right before the audience's eyes. The audience is a part of the action. In movies, especially in theaters, the emotion can still be brought forth to the audience. However, the connection is not there. Sometimes the connection helps convey a message better than simply viewing a screen. I personally will ALWAYS prefer watching a live performance rather than a movie if I am given the opportunity. The life that is presented by live performances is something that I crave and strive to obtain.

    1. I agree with you that children are more influenced by musicals. The music can connect to them better than it can with older audiences. And I do agree that there is more emotion in live performances, because they're physical people in front of us and it would be easier to connect with them than actors in movies. Audiences really are a part of the action. In live musicals and plays, the actors can reach the audience because they can sit down next to them and continue with the show.

  3. I feel that they both impact how one feels in different ways. I think it is easier for us to relate to a musical like the one our drama department just put on because we know the actors in real life. We interact with them on a day-to-day basis so it is fun for us to see them acting as a different person. Movies; however, are able to incorporate music in ways that musicals can't. By adding music to some movies it touches and leaves impressions on us.Musicals do this as well, but not in the same way. There is just something about piano music in the background of a tear-jerking scene that leaves us on the verge of tears.


    1. I agree that musicals and plays allow for more interaction with the audience especially when you know all the actors as we did in the play presented by our fellow students and many who are friends. In this it allows us to be able to compare ourselves to them and understand the human characteristics portrayed versus the ones in movies of perfection.

  4. I think that overall, plays do a better job explaining what happens. But only to an older audience. Musicals are better for children, because the children will get into the music and will learn the motive quicker. Musicals and plays are different, yet similar at the same time. Plays are more realistic, allowing for a more serious aspect to the play, and that allows for adults and teenagers to glean the information from them. hardly anyone randomly bursts into song in real life, and so musicals allow for a different aspect, one in which the emotions are enhanced through song, and that way, children can understand what is happening. In plays, emotions are brought into the story through the actors' body language and the tone the actors use. Movie interpretations of musicals and plays are usually just as good as those that would be seen as normal productions. This is usually because of the larger budget, and availability of more actors that have been acting for a sufficient amount of time. But live productions, to me, are usually better at sending the moral of the story, and conveying emotion. This is because the actors are in front of you and are more realistic than people in a movie. They are physical rather than just a person in front of a camera. I do prefer to watch live performances rather than movies, as the actors have to put more time into their performances, as actors in movies have extra resources that help them in their productions.

    1. I agree that emotions are enhanced in musicals, and that live performances are better at portraying emotion. I think that we get more involved and invested in the story when it is happening right in front of us. It is much easier to connect with. I believe that this is the reason people are so entranced by live performances, because they feel like they are part of the story.

  5. I think that they all convey the story in different ways. I think that live performances are intriguing because they are never the exact same twice in a row. In the same way, movies are great because they never change, every line is said in the exact same way as it was the time before. Seeing both a movie and a live performance will cause us to compare them, and we will likely prefer the one we saw first. I think that both a musical or play and a movie convey the message equally well. The music used in a movie often causes us to think of that movie, and a musical helps us remember the story through the songs that were performed.

    1. Erin, you are right about the music of both movies and musicals giving the audience a piece of that performance to remember it by. I think that without music being in performances, performances would suffer in quality. A good performance has everything: music, a story, developed characters, strong acting, props, and a set. One of the largest parts of what makes a performance have quality is the musical aspect of it. Music helps to portray and demonstrate emotion.

  6. I think that what a person prefers depends on what type of person they are. I know for me, when I was younger, I hated anything that had singing and dancing in it because I thought that it took away from the story. Now that I am older, I love watching musicals and watching people sing and dance. A live performance of one show brings variety depending on who it is performed by. Each night is different and the audience gets the chance to see the actors live. But don't get me wrong, I still love movies. There is something nice about knowing that my favorite movie will always be the same no matter how many times i watch it.
