Saturday, April 19, 2014


It's prom! All this preparing has gotten me thinking about traditions. "Proms" date all the way back to the 1800's, and originated from formal college dances. But proms were not recorded into high school yearbooks until the 1930's. Obviously, prom has been a thing for quite some time. I think that it is neat that, in this day and age, we still hold traditions. So what exactly is tradition? Why do we keep traditions? What are some traditions that have originated from today's modern culture?


  1. Traditions originate from culture. Traditions actually are our culture and we keep them because that is what we've known growing up. They just becomes our second nature. Before this blog I had never even thought about prom being a tradition, but that is because it is what we are accustomed to. When I think of traditions I think more of Christmas traditions or holiday traditions, but traditions like prom help define our culture and the way we live in America today.

    1. I agree with you that traditions become our second nature. Many people stick with the things that we know best. This is probably why traditions do not change very quickly. Traditions vary from family to family. This is probably due to people's religious beliefs. When I think of traditions, I think of holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. Other events could also be considered traditional such as prom.

    2. I'm like-minded with you in the realization that people see Prom as a tradition. It kind of is, but mainly for the younger people. Everyone goes through it, but only for a brief period of time. Many other traditions can be done throughout a person's lifetime.

  2. When I think of traditions, I think of events passed down amongst family members. One of the most famous traditions that comes to mind is the passing of recipes from grandma to to grandchild. Traditions are used in today's time to keep certain events continuing on, traditions are what for our culture into what is today. We keep traditions to maybe keep those who have passed away living on through something they did or experienced.

    1. I like what you said about recipes. I think that the passing of recipes embodies a tradition perfectly. Especially when they are used to make dishes that the whole family and friends can enjoy. They can enjoy a meal and reminisce about the mother or grandmother who is there with them in spirit.

    2. Jeff I like what you said about traditions being passed down from family members. I was thinking of traditions more for a people as a society rather than individual families, but when you said that it brought many new ideas to my head. Just today I was able to experience some very fun Easter traditions with my family as well as another family and it was so much fun to be able to do that. I really believe that traditions bring people closer and help strengthen the family unit.

  3. Traditions are things that many generations do over and over. Usually they only stay alive because people enjoy them. They are passed down from generation to generation. Traditions are things that people have done for many years. Many people like to stay with what they know rather than change things around. This is probably why prom has lasted so long. People feel comfortable with traditions. Many things could be considered traditions although I believe that many traditions usually deal with religious events.

    1. I agree that people like to stick with what they know, that is a great point about traditions. Traditions are used to keep people doing the events they enjoy and not have to worry about not knowing what is going to happen. With it being a known rather than a try it allows people to have a comfort rather then stress

    2. I agree with your post the most Colton. I think that is mostly the fear of change and not the joy of traditions that keep people doing the same things for so long. People grow comfortable with how things were the year before and want to duplicate it again the next year instead of trying something new and having it fail. Traditions are also nice because they allow for some structor in the unpredictable lives that we all live.

  4. Traditions are used to keep in touch with our history. They also allow the culture to retain the essence of it's original beginnings while updating as the world progresses. We keep traditions because we are creatures of habit. For example, if a family travels together every spring break to somewhere fun, then they will continue to do so until it is no longer fun because they experience enjoyment. Also the family trips are a tradition that have originated with the growth of the use of cars. Parents want their kids to experience something that they did with their parents.

  5. Traditions, to me, are occasions that bring many people together to celebrate annually, semi-annually, or even less often than that. But traditions repeat themselves. We are constantly bringing back celebrations, excursions, an days of life in both memory and cherishing the past. We all love to repeat the same way that we celebrated as children. It is a way to bring back find memories and enjoy the time that we have together at that moment. A huge tradition also happening this weekend is Easter. My family's Easter traditions are some of my favorite throughout the year. Being able to make new memories with the same traditions makes it easy to make something special. Tradition means a lot to people. any tradition one is used to will make any experience a personal one.

  6. Culture and tradition are very similar, and almost always are exclusive. However, there are traditions that span different cultures across the globe. Culture and tradition are intertwined. Culture sprouts new traditions and those traditions carry culture through decades or centuries. We look to traditions to explain our culture and our culture to explain our traditions. Tradition is something that a culture or group of people does or has that explains their history and helps them connect to their ancestors, or people that did it before them.

  7. I think that traditions are about us being comfortable with what we have. As humans, we like to keep things the same without things changing a lot. Traditions are also something that we can rely on to be there every year. It takes some of the unpredictability out of the hectic lives that we live. Even with all the joy and comfort that traditions have, they also bring stress with them also. Some people in the family don't always like the same tradition and it is hard for others to accept that because they have been doing the same things for so long. After awhile, so traditions become boring. But, I do think that traditions are important for people and will stay in our culture for a long time.
