Sunday, January 12, 2014

Senior Projects

Since this is late going up and we didn't have class on Thursday, I'll give you until the end of the week to respond. Having just put a lot of thought and effort into your Senior Projects and followed them through to completion, I am interested in what the highlight of the process was for you, and what do you think is the ultimate purpose of having high school seniors complete a major project before graduating?  See you in class.


  1. The whole process of my Senior Project was the highlight. I enjoyed almost every minute of it. The reason that I enjoyed it is because I did something that I enjoy and hopefully will be using for many years to come. The purpose of having seniors complete a senior project is to help prepare them for doing projects in work, to possibly help them exercise their creativity, and to help them choose a career path through doing a project that they enjoy, or want to do because it interests them.

    1. I love that the highlight of your project was your project. I also like what you said about students exploring their creativity. I think that creativity is one of the assets that we are losing our grasp on, it is becoming less and less prominent and active. It is imperative to think outside the box and discover new solutions, we are losing the ability to do so.

    2. I agree completely with you that senior project helps discover a possible career path. We can never know what a person in a certain career does until we experience it for ourselves. For the people that are going to college, it helps to know what to major in and where to put our college time and money toward. This project has the potential to really discover who we are and where we want to go in life.

  2. The definite highlight was having the opportunity to do something that always had interested me. I was also really excited about the opportunity to create something that others had not ever seen or heard before. I enjoyed creating something completely unique. I feel that the purpose is not only to prepare us for major projects in college, but to allow us to explore the activities that interest us. It is also helpful in teaching time management, responsibility, and other work skills.

    1. That is an awesome part of senior project. It allows us to go out and test the waters in a possible future job choice or something that interests us. It is really fun to see and end result to something that you worked on. The feeling of accomplishment is awesome and you feel good about yourself.

    2. I agree with Erin a highlight for me was being able to work with something I love. With being raised in Salmon all my life the outdoors and hunting has been big in my life. This made it real easy for me to choose what to do my senior project on. With being able to choose something I loved and was interested in it made it really easy to stay focused and concentrated on my project.

  3. The highlight of my senior project was seeing all of my time and work pay off. I put so much effort into training my horse and we definitely had our ups and downs, but overall there was much improvement. There is a joy that comes from hard work paying off and it is such a great feeling. The senior project shows every high school senior that they can go out and do something hard and accomplish something. For some this was not a new experience, but others the senior project journey was completely new an difficult. I'm sure each student learned a lot about themselves. This is kind of preparing us for college and for our future. Some of us were able to pick things that we want to do in our future and experiment with them. As much as I hated the paperwork and documenting everything, senior project was a positive experience for me.

    1. The feeling of accomplishment that comes from finishing is like none other that I have finished in high school. It does not matter what project a person chose to do, finishing such a large task gives the confidence needed to go on after school. There is the feeling that a person can do anything. Especially for the students that don't turn in assignments or don't try their hardest, knowing that they completed an eight page paper (which is a little excessive), their project, and got through a presentation is rewarding.

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  5. My absolute favorite part of senior project was presenting my film to the judges and the room full of people. This made me feel like what I did was important and had value. All the work I put into my project meant something more than just something to fill the time with. The presentations were also my favorite because I was able to see my peers' projects also. It fascinated me to learn more about what interested those around me. It is amazing how I can spend four years with some people and never know anything about them. By seeing others present and their projects after school, I feel that I became closer to others. For instance, I loved Colton Nelson's senior project. I think it is the best that I saw because he put so much effort into the film. His project worked towards his career and gave back to the community and for those reasons I feel like I saw I side to him I never had before. I think when senior project is taken seriously, that is what it is suppose to do.

    1. Senior Project is much more than just something that has to get done. If it is taken seriously, it can open many doors. One can experience the feelings of accomplishment, community involvement, responsibility, fulfillment, and much more. The feeling of accomplishment after completing a large task like Senior Project is worth the effort.

    2. I do agree with you that seeing our peers' projects was one of the best parts. It was truly interesting to see others' interests and ideas played out or made by them, and getting to see who they are was good. Some students didn't take it seriously, from the beginning to the end, but the students who did and who created something that reflects their passions or interests made the project fun.

  6. I think that senior project has too many highlights for me to choose my favorite. I really felt like I was doing something for the community and connecting with the community when looking for mentors. A major highlight for me was working with someone who I hardly knew. Just learning more and more about how that person works and learning more about my project topic is just fascinating. I believe that the major purpose of this project was to get out of your comfort zone. That may be working with someone whom you have never worked with or presenting a project in front of judges. The purpose could also be to get a new perspective on a topic or what people do for a living. My project definitely fulfilled those purposes and I truly believe that I got the most out of the senior project.

    1. I totally agree about how you found it amazing to go out into the community when looking for a mentor. I was actually asked by a student in my presentation room why I did not have a teacher like Mrs. Braswell as my mentor. I replied by saying that she was already a mentor for two other seniors and that I felt that it would be a better experience to go out into the community. I did know my mentor a little before my project, but it was a great experience to get to know her better. It was also amazing to work with someone who I normally would not during school. I definitely think that having a mentor is a great part of senior project.

  7. Senior Project definitely was a journey. I put much more effort into it than I have put into anything else thus far that is school related. The biggest highlight for me while doing my project was the outcome. It was just plain AWESOME to see a piece of work that I have put so much of myself into become something with substance. I could actually see, hear, and experience the final work of my project. Senior Project helps high school students who are about to enter the adult world experience tougher challenges than they are used to. It helps prepare high school students for difficult challenges and situations that they will have to face in the near future, such as the courses of college and the many tasks involved in living on one's own.

  8. Senior project for me was all around awesome. I enjoy putting in time on something I love and creating something that my family and I could appreciate. In my project I took something that was not so appealing to the eye when it started off but by the final product I had created a European Mount that people will pay taxidermists to do. Senior project I believe is used to teach high schoolers respect and to prepare us for the future. Through doing senior project I learned time management and learning to work with a mentor even when not able to get together with them.

  9. Senior project is an amazing experience because each senior gets to choose what to do based on their own interests. I chose to write a novella because of my passion for writing and my interest in the lives of novelists. I loved being able to complete my project not only because it was amazing to see my story and characters come to life, but also because it gave me the opportunity to be very independent. I was able to complete it with little help from my mentor and I did not have to rely on other people to accomplish it. My favorite part about my project was writing the end of my novella. This was the only part of the story that I did not plan out before I started writing because I wanted to see how it would come to me. I am very glad that I did wait because I was able to let the ending flow and it even surprised me as I wrote it. It was just as rewarding as reading the ending to a book one has been enjoying throughout.
