Sunday, January 19, 2014

Poetry's Individuality

Since we are headed into poetry, I thought we could discuss our views on it. As we know, there are many different kinds of poetry, for example, the sonnet or haiku. Throughout our school years, we have learned about poetry in various English classes as well as literature and other forms of writing. Why do you think that people use poetry to express themselves rather than just writing a book or opinion article? Those are literature too... What kinds of an impact does poetry have on people? Do you think that the stories and expressions of people that are written with poems can be just as easily expressed through other forms of literature? Poetry can be such a deep and inspirational type of literature to read. Why is poetry such a unique form of literature and what makes it so unique?


  1. Poetry I feel is used instead of writing a book, short story, etc. because not only is it shorter but the author is able to get more emotion across in their writing. In reading poems, the reader can feel all types of emotion from happiness all the way down to depressed and sad. With writing poems I feel that it is possible to convert poems to other writing styles of literature but ideas portrayed in poems are done so for the fact that the author has an idea that does not need an entire novel to back it but can be explained or portrayed in a few lines. I feel with poetry the most unique trait about them are all the different forms of poems there are to write them in and how many different ways emotion can be shown within them. Novels are all outlined in similar writing styles while poems can rhyme, vary in line structure, or have patterns that carry on through out the poem

    1. The emotion we feel in many poems can be found within books and other written works. But, in my opinion, not to the same degree. I think that poems can be used to convey their messages and more emotion within a smaller space. The poem does not take as much time as a novel, but can often be almost as hard, when trying to convey emotion through the words.

    2. I like how you pointed out that poems can create a lot of emotions in a short amount of space. It is also easier for me to think of poetry when I think of it as music. Music uses poetry all the time. The songs are written in stanzas, contain rhymes, and use alliteration to be catchy to the listener. I agree that is the reason why simple lines can be stuck with a person forever and have a large influence in life. In one line, the poet employs many types of literature and emotions to make something unforgettable.

  2. Poetry can be very short and sweet or it can be a long piece of literature. But either way, it is used to spill emotions onto the page that I feel a book or opinion article can't express. I view books as something for writers to work with to express their emotions through the characters within the novel, whereas the poem comes straight form the author. Yes, there are characters used within poetry, but the reader can often tell exactly what the author was feeling when they wrote the poem. We readers can tell this through the variation in the sentence structure, word choice, and the way the author uses those words to convey their message. Also, no poem is exactly alike, while many authors of novels use aspects of other novels that they have read.

    1. Andrew- I like the point you bring up about poems not being the same. It seems as if some authors develop similar writings. After the Twilight Saga came out it seemed like to me, every book written after was about love or vampires. Authors can have similar writing styles too and I feel that each poet is completely unique in the way they write. I agree with you again that authors express themselves through their characters sometimes. That is an interesting thing to think about.

    2. I think that you are right, there is much more emotion conveyed within poems. When we read about the author's heartbreak in rhyming couplets, we are more likely to feel how they felt, and the emotions will stay with us. This form of communication between the author and reader is much more potent because we remember the feelings the words created, as well as the words.

  3. I feel like poetry is a lot like music in the fact that it strikes our emotional chords and leaves an impression on us. I'm not sure if it is the rhyming words, or the use of figurative language. I feel that it is the words and phrases that have deeper meanings that cause us to feel such emotion. Regular literature doesn't really have an opportunity to do this. Books sometimes can, and when they do it usually leaves a lasting impression on the reader. I really feel like rhyming words help with the emotion in poetry. Rhymes are easy to remember and can be beneficial when the author tries to establish the tone of the poem. Rhymes work for happy or sad poems and everything in between.

    1. Comparing poetry to music is exactly right I feel. Just like Jedd said poets and musicians use the emotions within to catch our eye and the have deeper meanings hiding behind the words when books do not always have these key factors. Poets and musicians both use rhymes within their writing and lyrics. I feel they use this not only because rhymes make it fun to read or hear but it makes the thought stick in our minds. In both poems and music rhymes will help with emotion as well. It could bring a happy or sad presence but still have the effect of that part of the author's work being stuck in our minds maybe even without us even noticing it did

  4. I think that authors use poems to show how they feel, without being obvious. When written in a poem, the average reader will be less likely to see the hidden meaning unless they have experienced somethings similar. I also think that the wording means so much more in a poem. The specific wording is much easier to remember because it fits with the rest of the poem. This allows to read to mull over it and find the hidden meanings within. For this reason poems are so much more expressive than other forms of literature.

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    2. I agree with you that poems often have hidden meanings. I do not believe that this is unique only to poetry. It can also be found in other pieces in literature. I believe that nearly every piece of writing has some type of hidden meaning. This hidden meaning is often only picked up by certain readers. This can make the piece even more unique. Poetry can become complex while remaining simple due to the underlying meaning.

    3. When you use the word "expressive" it really catches my attention. This is something that is very true about poetry. Through poems, emotions and actions are worded expressively. The special vocabulary is a vocabulary that would be out of the ordinary when it comes to regular speech in daily life. That will make the impact on the reader deeper and more intimate. The way that poems are able to express is incredible compared to our daily language.

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  6. I feel that poetry can be used instead of writing a book or article when the author wants the reader to understand the point very quickly. Whenever I see a long article, I very rarely read it because it is so lengthy. Poetry sometimes has very catchy phrases that people can remember easily. Songs are often like this too. Often a poem can be made into a song. I think that it is one of the easiest pieces of literature to write and to understand. Poems are usually short and sweet which attracts a variety of readers. Poetry has a great impact on its readers because readers can remember what the piece said much more easily compared to other pieces of literature because it is usually short. Some lines in a poem can rhyme which makes them even easier for the reader to remember them and be impacted by them.

  7. Poetry is simple way to create a huge impact. Most often, poems are short and to the point. Now, many times the meaning is hidden behind complex walls that readers must go past to find the true meaning. That only means a more rewarding experience. When there must be work in order to accomplish a goal, there is more triumph and glory. When one is able to understand poetry, they even have brag rights in a way. They can then go on and explain the intricate details lacing the words in the poem. That is not only showcasing what one knows, but it is also expanding on what they have learned and are continuing to learn.

  8. I think that poetry has such a large impact on readers because it is viewed differently than other types of literature. As soon as a teacher mentions poetry, students have an idea of what is coming: stanzas, rhyming, rhythm, alliteration. There is a mystical bubble surrounding poetry because it can convey such emotions with little words. There seems to be a certain level of knowledge when a person can understand poetry. It can also be taken in any way. Poetry continues to make its audience awestruck by the beauty and meanings it contains.
