Friday, January 24, 2014

Love at First Sight

We discussed the themes of Twelfth Night in class recently and one of the ideas or themes that stuck out to me was love at first sight. Shakespeare seems to include this idea in more than one of his writings. Now a lot has changed since the time of Shakespeare, but is it possible to experience love at first sight? Can the appearance of a person be so powerful that it is possible to fall in love with them that very instant? What exactly has changed since the time of Shakespeare when dealing with love and marriages? What are the credentials of love? How can we tell if we truly love someone or just like someone? Do we all have a need to love and be loved? If so, why?


  1. Love at first sight can be interpreted in many different ways. I believe that love at first sight can happen. Many others will not believe in it though. Now, obviously someone is not going to immediately fall head over heals in love just by seeing someone. After the first sight, their still has to be that friendship that is built. You can see someone and be in love, but it is the conversations and getting to know them that makes you love them so much more. There will also, of course be times when love at first sight could be confused with lust at first sight. When someone sees a person they think about physically, they may think or say that they love him, but it really is lust. It is all just a matter of having the right heart and motives. Without coming from a caring and innocent place when seeing a possible significant other for the first time, it will be lust. But when it is truly love at first sight, I believe that it can become very special.

    1. Moriah - I agree with lust at first sight and how it can be easily confused with love. I am inclined to believe that lust is the only emotion a person can feel when they have spotted an attractive member of the opposite sex. I think that lust is confused with love much to often in today's world. I can see the direction you are coming from with love at first sight, but it fails to convince me of it. I can see where a person might thoroughly enjoy their first meeting with someone, but I think that love is something that must grow.

  2. I do not think that there is love at first sight. As much as we would all love to see some one and know they are THE one, we need to get to know them first. I think that it is possible to half-way fall in love with someone the first time, meaning to fall in love with their appearance. However, it is impossible to know everything about someone at the first sight. Time needs to be spend learning the little quirks that make them who they are, only then can one be in love. I think that we have so fallen in love with the idea of being in love, that we are easily tricking into thinking we are in love. I definitely think that we all need to love and be loved. Our love defines us an individual as well as in a connection.

  3. I totally agree that people have to get to know each other before something as big as marriage. THE one may not seem like THE one at the very beginning, but then again they may. I mean at some point, THE one will be a stranger. So spotting a simple stranger no one really feels inclined to talk to them or anything. There has to be some other force that is pulling them together or at least making them interested in each other. In the comment you put on my comment, you said "love is something that must grow." This is completely accurate because love never stops growing. But just because people meet and may not fully love each other yet, there was a seed that was planted and that is the beginning of their love starting to grow. I honestly believe that even when it does not seem like love at first sight, it is still love at first sight. This is because we can look back to the first time we met someone and realize how much we were attracted to them. I find this very interesting because there are so many definitions.

  4. I feel like it is possible to see someone and feel affection for them but I don't believe that there can be an instant connection so powerful that it can be considered love. I feel that with love it takes time just like everything. I feel that to be in love the couple should know one another fairly well. I think that love is when a person is drawn to another person plus they take the time to figure out the similarities and differences between each other. When we first see someone I feel we feel affection but only towards the physical state of the person not the emotional and mental side. That is why I feel love at first sight can't always work sometimes it may sometimes it won't.

  5. I do believe that love at first sight is possible. Love at first sight is exactly that love at first "sight." I believe that it is impossible to truly love someone without first knowing their personality. One may be in love with their appearance but not with the entire person. I feel that it takes time to get to know someone and truly fall in love with them. I believe that love is a spiritual connection rather than a physical connection. One's personality is often enough to make them beautiful on the outside. Love for one's appearance is often mistaken for just lust. Love does not come at once, but in small/large increments as time progresses and as you spend more time with that person. Love involves many different elements. Love can influence the way we think and act. It can change our goals in life. We often underestimate the power of love. I believe that everyone and everything needs a bit of love in order to be happy and keep going in life. We often need that someone to pick us up when times get hard.

    1. I agree with you, but I also think that love is as much physical as mental/spiritual. We also love to be loved, I think. It's part of who we are, and how we deal with things. Love can change the way we act or speak around the person we are interested in as well, like you said. And it takes time to not be affected as much, because love ca be daunting when we're younger.


    2. I agree that becoming close with someone helps us to love them and that love at first sight could happen. I feel that we may fall in love with the outside appearance of a person at first sight but even though they have a beautiful physical appearance it is possible not to get along with the personality and emotions that the person has in side. Even going off this though I guess it is possible to fall in love with someone at first sight for the fact that a lot of times the appearance of people does represent there personality. So it may be possible to fall in love with someone at first sight but I feel that the chances of it are very slim and could be highly unlikely but it could happen

    3. I like that you pointed out that people fall in love with what they see. i do agree that people can be so fascinated with how a person looks that the feelings can be mistaken for love. If a person truly loves another, the appearance should not matter. I also like how you said that love comes in increments. I think that over time we find more things to love about our partners. Its the little things that make love strong.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Many people find love at first sight, but it is usually only with the person's looks. People "fall in love" at first sight, without taking the time to get to know the other person. Personality and behavior are as necessary for love as looks are. A relationship only built on looks won't last. I don't think that love at first sight actually happens, however, it might happen if you knew the person to be respectable. As humans, love is necessary for us to develop. If we are loved right when we are born, we feel that love throughout our lives, and it helps us grow into who we are. But when you are older, you have to love to be loved. But there cannot be true love without learning the actual person's behavior, personality, and tendencies, as well as much more. Until we learn to look for certain thing ls for us to love in people, and what to watch for in people we shouldn't, true love isn't available.

    1. I agree with you that a relationship based just upon looks won't last. There are many other things that a relationship must be based on. I also agree with you that love plays a crucial role in the development of a child. We all need love in some way. We must also give love in order to receive love. Love influences us in a way that most of us do not understand. Just the feeling that we are not loved can put us into a low state of mind. We all strive to find that person that will fulfill our image of what true love is.

  8. I don't think it is possible to fall in love at the first sight of someone. It is possbile to lust at first sight though. Looks are important and people seem to be attracted to "hot" people but love is based on more than that. Love is deeper than appearance. Even if a person is beautiful on the outside, they may not be beautiful on the inside. In order to be with another person forever, I think that two people's personalities need to be compatible. I think that we as a society use the term love very loosely. We love movie stars. We love movies. We love other people. We love the idea of being in love.
