Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day in my eyes a very important day for moms but also for their family's. I would say I agree it is a very important day for the reasons of we are celebrating the life of our mothers and all they have ever done. I want to hear some of the reasons you feel we have Mother's Day. What makes Mother's Day so important in your life? Everyone has a special something that they remember about their mom when they were younger. What are some memories you have made with your mom? I know with my mom when I had just became old enough to go to kindergarten she would take me and drop me off. I would last only a couple minutes without my mom and I would start crying till I threw up and my teacher sent me home cause she thought I was sick. Then I was able to return to my mom. I was a mommas boy how many of you are mommas boy or girl? What are some important lessons your mom has taught? Has your mom had an impact on your life?


  1. I don't think you could have picked a better topic! I love this and I am so grateful for my mom. I would like to first say that every child learns a great deal from their mother or mother figure. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a mother, but I would assume that there is someone in their life who has taken on the role as a mother. Mothers are so special and so awesome in their own way unique to anything else. They have awesome instincts to nurture and protect their children and to love them. I know that my mother loves me and I'm thankful for having a mother that does so. I think in different ways we are all a momma's boy/girl. I'm sure we will all get out on our own soon and realize everything that our mothers have done for us. I know that my mom has sacrificed a lot in her own life to do all that she can to give me the happiest life and I'm so thankful for a mom like that. I would not be where I am today without her. There is a war story that talks about two-thousand young warriors, in their teenage years, being called upon to go into battle to protect their home and families. Upon receiving their call to protect their people, these young soldiers didn't fear because their mothers taught them well. They taught them how to be men of courage and to be strong and stand for what is right. The awesome part of this story is that while in battle not a single onw of the two-thousand were killed. Many were injured, but not a single one died because their mothers had taught them so well. I look at my mom and I know that if I were called upon to go into battle I would not fear because I know my mother has taught me to be a man of courage and to do hard things, and for that I am so grateful.

    1. Jedd, you are so right: mothers are not only providers of love and nourishment, but also teachers. We learn from our parents all about life. We use them to lean on as we develop into the best version of ourselves. Moms have a huge role the fill! If one is trying their best to keep their children and loved ones happy and healthy, if they strive to pass knowledge to their children, and if they show their children that they are loved, then they are succeeding at being a mother.

  2. My mother is a gigantic part of my life. She has influenced who I have become today and who I hope I will become in the future. I believe that Mother's Day was created to honor all mothers. Mothers deserve a day of celebration because they are single individuals that take the charge of all that is life and growth. Mothers give birth, which is an act that definitely deserves respect and praise. Not only do mothers give birth, but they are naturally responsible for the never-ending task of remaining a source of nurture and solidity for their children and family. Many memories that I have with my mom, I hold as my most precious. One of my favorite is also one of the simplest memories. I can remember riding in the car with her. I was always full of questions and continuous jabber, but my mom was full of patience and love, joy and understanding. Sometimes we would be in the car and she would tell me to hush for just a moment because she had to drive in a very difficult situation. It is simple memories such as that that remind me of who my mother was and just how much I admire the woman I get to call my mother. Now that I am driving myself, I can certainly relate to her. I hope that I can grow to share as much love with the world as she once did. Mothers deserve one day a year to celebrate themselves and to be praised by those that love them because someday, they will no longer be around to provide the love that they spread. They deserve to be given a taste of what they give, at least once a year, while they are here.

    1. Virginia, I agree that Mother's Day is a day that mothers get to receive what they give for one special day. Mothers are so respected because they are the source of growth and nurturing. From the moment we come into this world our mother is there teaching us and ensuring that we are safe. A mother's love had no boundaries. This is why we honor them, because they are the solidity and steadiness we need as children.

    2. Virginia I love what you said about mothers deserving a day of celebration because they are the individuals that take charge of all that is life and growth. Our mothers gave life to each of us and we are able to be living because of them. I think life is the best gift a mother can give to her child and we need to appreciate that and appreciate life. Life is the best thing in the entire world!

  3. Our mothers are some of the most important people in our lives. If you pay attention, you can find many mannerisms that are similar, if not the same, to your mom's. They influence us from the very day we are born. Mother's Day is celebrated in order to acknowledge the affect they have on our lives. It is a day that allows children to go out of their way to show how much their mothers mean to them. My mother has taught me many, many lessons, and I regularly struggle to remember them. She has taught me politeness, humility, graciousness, and kindness. As well as those qualities she has taught me many other useful skills such as cooking, laundry, and cleaning skills. Because my mom has taught me so much and been there through every step, she in one of the most important people in my life.

    1. I agree with you that mothers teach us lessons, both from good experiences and from bad experiences. They've shaped us to be who we are today, and without them we would most likely act differently than we do now. They help us from the start to when we leave to move on with our lives.

  4. Mother's Day is when we celebrate the women that have raised us throughout our lives, helping us as we grow, learn, and become members of society. We start our lives with our mothers, and grow with them by our sides. They teach us as we grow, helping us to roll over, walk, eat, read, and everything in between. Mother's Day is important because it gives me a chance (besides every day) to thank my mom for everything that she has done for me over the years. I've always looked up to my mom and looked to her for help when I had problems. My mom taught me in 5th grade, so she knew how to help me with schoolwork as I was growing up, and that definitely helped me. Our mothers are a large part of our lives growing up, and even when we are older. I guarantee when we're all in college, we will want our parents, and especially our mothers.

    1. I agree with you that we spend a lot of time with our mothers and therefore learning a great deal from them. I believe that many of us will always miss our parents no matter how independent one is. An attachment to your mother is one that is never completely broken.

  5. Mothers play a very large role in a child's development. Some mothers have to raise their children by themselves either due to them being single or the father working. Children often grow an attachment with their mothers at very early ages. I know I hated leaving my mother when I first went to kindergarten. My parents give me a sense of security. During my younger years, I usually spend much more time with my mother than my father due to my father working. Often times a mothers personality is seen in the child. Mother's Day allows us to recognize all that mothers do and thank them. A lot of time what mothers do is taken for granted and not properly recognized. Mothers have had a great deal of influence on shaping our society today.
