Saturday, February 22, 2014

Poetry and Songs

Recently we've been studying poetry and songs that are alike. When you think about it, many songs that are within the same genre are quite similar, and many seem to play off of many emotions that were originally brought through by poetry. Do you think that many songs and genres were brought about by poetry and the emotion that authors used in their writing? How many songs do you think have been inspired by poetry itself, rather than just other songs? Are there any artists that could feasibly be using poetry as something to go off of for their genre of music now, or are they all just going off of songs made before?


  1. I think that songs could very easily be branched off of poetry. One of the largest connectors between songs and poems are the emotions that are much more prominent in these types of literature than others. If a poem and a dong display the same emotions then it is very easy to see similarities between the two. I think that poetry was used to create each genera of music. Music is often described and compared to poetry, especially those pieces that are pleasant to the ear. I think that many musicians are inspired by the wording and emotions of poems.

    1. Poetry and songs are definitely two types of literature that use emotion the most. Other types of literature, such as essays, editorials, and sometimes books are more commonly used to convey an opinion rather than express an emotion. That's why music is so heavily loved and appreciated by people everywhere. We can connect to music and express ourselves through it. It is everywhere all the time, conveniently for our enjoyment. Poetry has a much smaller fan base than music, however, it is still a piece of literature that is used for the purpose of expression.

    2. I agree that it is the deep emotions found in both poetry and music that make them so relatable to each other and people. Even if a person does not understand the meaning of a poem or song, they can get some interpretation through the beat, rhyme, and rhythm. Like Virginia said, poetry and music are both are focused on emotions rather than opinion. People are able to escape through poetry and music.

  2. I feel songs can be resembling or written after poems. Especially in today's time when rhymes are huge in songs. I feel what makes rhymes so common in songs and poetry is that it adds not only emotion but keeps the listener or reader remembering specific details. I feel that even when a song is not written after a poem there can still be similarities even if not meaning to have those small details in common. I almost feel that poetry can be considered to be music in some cases. I don't know about everyone else but most the time when I read poetry in my head, I read it to a beat or to have rhythm of music.

    1. I agree with you that many songs can be written not meaning to be likened to poetry but end up that way anyway. I think many songs now aren't written following poetry but end up seeming like it anyway, because we find our own symbols and references in them.

    2. I feel that a lot of songs originate from poems. Like you ere saying, the rhyming schemes make it easier to remember and impact the emotions that we feel while listening to songs or reading poetry. I agree with you when you say that poetry can be considered music. It seems easy to put any poem to music and make a song of it.

  3. Poetry, I think, most likely had a significant influence on the creation of music genres. Poetry has been written over the course of centuries and so have songs and the establishment of instruments to create individual types of music. There are tons of songs out there about the same sorts of emotions. I think that the media influences a lot of the song lyrics in today's music. Song writers probably take what is trending in the media and apply it to song lyrics so that the song will become popular. There are, however, those more independent artists who write and sing songs because of what they feel and where they have been in life. Either way, the music established can more than likely be compared to poems and previously written songs. All songs and poetry have a factor in common which can influence their similarities: emotion. Some artists use previously written poems and songs, some use the media, and some use their own emotions and experiences to create songs.

    1. I agree that poetry was probably almost like the first type or style of what may have been considered music in its time and later creating genres that we know today. With this being said I feel poetry can be divided up into the same genres that songs can and this can be done through the emotions that are shown in the poems and songs.

    2. I had not thought of the role of the media in song lyrics. I do agree with you that it does have a big role in songs and literature in general. I believe that society has the largest role in song writing. Society determines what is acceptable and what is not. Many song writers want to push those boundaries. Society dictates what is popular and what is not. Many songwriters will try to please the society to get the most popularity.

  4. I believe that poetry and music go hand in hand. Many songs have been derived by poetry. I believe that an artist may start out with just a few rhymes in poem form. The artist then tries to set it to music. I believe that this is the case with many of the songs with great lyrics. I do not think that this is as much the case with our pop songs today. Many of those songs are not poems at all. They simply have a lot of repetition. Music is a great way to really help your voice get heard. If a poem is in a song it is usually much easier to remember. Music is a way for the listener to really understand what one is going through. Music helps the listener and the artist see eye to eye. I believe that there is less interpretation when listening to songs than reading poems. Both poems and songs have their positives and negatives when it comes to getting their points across to the audience.

  5. I believe that many songs are poetry. The way that the words rhyme and the lyrics usually seem to be songs. Songs and poetry are alike in the sense that they both play off of emotion. Some poems seem to leave a lasting impression on people and it is the same with songs. They are much easier to read then normal literature and stay with us better. I can remember poems and songs much better than I can other literature.

  6. I think when music originally began, it was based on poetry. Not a lot of songs had been written but there was a plentiful supply of poetry to use. The poetry already had rhyme and rhythm and all an artist had to do was put a tune to it. As the ages progressed, music started to branch off the poetry is was surrounded by. It is similar to the poems, but not exactly the same. The music possessed its own legs to stand on while still having the backbone of the original idea from the poem. Now, in the present day, there are so many songs that they are each their own piece of poetry.
